Wednesday, May 8, 2024

"Woke Jesus" is a "MUST watch"!

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8)

I suspect that unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past several years, or that you almost never go online, you're very familiar with The Babylon Bee.  I've gotta tell ya, I love The Babylon Bee.  Admittedly, I was that kid in high school who devoured every issue of MAD Magazine.  And, over fifty years later, I still love great satire!  The folks who produce and distribute The Babylon Bee are pretty much all evangelical Christians.  But before you judge or stereotype them, let me say, they're equal opportunity satirists!  That's what makes the satire so good.  I've got a hard cover book put out by The Babylon Bee that my son gave me a couple of years ago.  It's a satire of evangelical Christian Discipleship books, and no kidding, it trashes "praise the Lord and pass the buck" televangelists who prey on the poor and little old ladies... who promote becoming filthy rich by almost any means, and who have nothing but disdain for hard working, humble, kind, generous, and sacrificial Christians.  And when it comes to politics, sure The Babylon Bee leans Right, but both the Right and the Left are fair game for their satire.

This week they released a short and potentially explosive video entitled "Woke Jesus".  It presents the "Jesus" of both the political left and religious left.  That is, a politically correct, Marxist, revolutionary, secular, inclusive, diverse, highly pro-LGBTQ, highly pro-reproductive rights, entitled, loving and yet hateful, unbiblical, anti-Christian Jesus.  

"They covered all that in just a few minutes?!"

Actually, they DID!

A friend of mine recently put something on Facebook saying he no longer likes the religious saying from the 1990s "W.W.J.D." - That is "What Would Jesus Do?"  It comes from Charles Sheldon's nineteenth century novel, "In His Steps".  That's a good book.  And the idea of asking "What Would Jesus Do?" prior to making any major decision is a great idea.  But my friend Brian doesn't like that saying anymore because the Jesus many of today's people are thinking about when they ask "W.W.J.D." is not the Jesus of the Bible.  It's the Jesus The Babylon Bee presented this week.

I have some very WOKE friends and relatives who argue they admire and act like the real Jesus.  That Jesus is actually the Jesus which the "Woke Jesus" video illustrates.  I challenge such people to slowly read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John over maybe four or five months.  Discover the Biblical Jesus.  And, sometimes the Biblical Jesus will make you uncomfortable.  He makes me uncomfortable.  In Mark chapter 7, for instance, Jesus is rather rude to a foreign woman.  He essentially calls her a "dog".  He says he hasn't come to minister to people like her, or her daughter who is demon possessed - that he's come to minister to Jews.  Now, the daughter is healed and set free of the demon.  And he does give the woman what she wants; but it's one difficult portion of Scripture!  Another tough portion of the Bible is Luke chapter 16 verses 1-13 and especially verse 8.  That's the Parable of the Unjust Steward.  For years, I would not preach on that Parable.  It commends a shrewd guy who is an embezzler, a liar, and a manipulator.  Honestly, it sounds like something Donald Trump would praise.  But it's said by the Biblical Jesus.  It took me years to truly understand that parable.  The point of it is that although the steward is a horrible person, he does know how to make the most of people and opportunities available to him.  And many times, godly Christian people don't know how to do that.  Finally, there's John chapter 2 verses 13-16 where Jesus makes a whip and goes after the moneychangers in the Temple, flipping over their tables and driving them out.  Sometimes we tell people they should have a "Christlike attitude".  So what do we do with that one?  

My main point is the Jesus of the Bible is nothing like the "Woke Jesus"!  But if you think I'm being blasphemous and trashing Jesus, I'm not!  The story of Jesus is summed up in John 3:16.  No one ever loved you or me like Jesus.  He paid the penalty for our sins on the cross.  In fact, the physical suffering Jesus endured is a cake-walk compared to the spiritual suffering he endured for you and for me.

Watch "Woke Jesus".  If you do a Search for it online, you should find it easily. Then, if you've never done so, take a few weeks and slowly read through all four gospels.  And pray, "Jesus, please reveal yourself to me!"

He will!

And I'd love to have you share the link to this post.  I think this is one of the most important things I've ever written!