"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." (James 1:22).
A few days ago, I pondered the results of a sad and terrible event: The massacre of so many innocent ones a year ago at Newtown, Connecticut. Such events are deeply troubling. I thought about how one young man left such a negative and catastrophic legacy. In some ways, he was very similar to Lee Harvey Oswald: A young nobody who perpetrated an evil act which ironically made him famous but who was dead very shortly afterward. I pondered that, and then I wondered: If one person could cause such an evil event which devastated and hurt so many, what could be the outcome of one person who determined to totally live for God and do good? And, what about a bunch of people who would purpose to do that? There could be a very positive transformation to our society! The story is told that many decades ago, a preacher proclaimed, "The world has yet to see the great things that would be accomplished if one man would purpose to totally live for God." Humble shoe salesman D.L. Moody said, "I will be that man!" He became the greatest evangelist of the Nineteenth Century. His legacy includes Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
There are two words of advice from two different Christians (which I've been privileged to hear) that have the potential to transform the world if followed and applied. Each was spoken by an ordinary layperson- a woman and a man. I don't have the permission of either of these people to quote them here- and I suspect they wouldn't want the publicity, anyway. I'm going to call the woman "Carla" and the man "Rocky". Carla has been an evangelical Christian for many years. She was a leader in the church I pastored, and she works as a schoolteacher. Rocky is an active layman in a large Congregational church. He runs his own blue-collar business and has a bit of a "biker" background. One time, about twenty years ago, Carla said this: "If every Christian would just seek the Lord and do what the Lord is telling them to do, ninety percent of problems in their churches would be instantly solved." Much more recently, about eighteen months ago, Rocky said this to me in a private conversation: "This is not a poor third-world country! It might be understandable that churches in poor countries can't pay their bills or that ministries there fail for lack of support. In America there's no excuse for this kind of stuff! Why should churches in our country close for lack of funds?! Why must pastors have to accept pay cuts or go without being paid?! Why should Christian schools have to close their doors each year due to lack of funds?! Why should Christian missionaries have to come home from the mission field each year due to lack of financial support?! THERE IS PLENTY OF MONEY IN THIS COUNTRY! Quite a few Christians have a surplus of money. There is just no excuse for any of this, and God is not pleased with us!".
I totally agree with Carla, and I totally agree with Rocky. IF EVERY TRUE CHRISTIAN IN THIS COUNTRY WOULD SEEK THE LORD AND DO WHAT HE TOLD THEM TO DO (whatever that is), AND IF EVERY CHRISTIAN WOULD GIVE LIBERALLY AND SACRIFICALLY TO THEIR CHURCH, CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, AND MISSIONARIES, THE IMPACT WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY TRANSFORMATIONAL! One time, many years ago, I quoted Carla's advice. A middle-aged woman shot back this comment: "But that's not realistic!" And that's the problem. I've seen quality Christian schools, including the one my own kids once attended close their doors due to lack of funds. Missionaries have had to come home due to little financial support. Quality ministries have had to drastically cut back their efforts. Listen, do you think Satan and the forces of evil are cutting back on their efforts? NO!! They're stepping their efforts up in this hour!.
I don't have a pulpit anymore, and I get very, very few opportunities to preach. But this message is burning in my soul at this hour! Frankly, there are a number of material things I'd love to receive for Christmas, BUT far more than that, how I'd love it this Christmas if hundreds of Christians (maybe thousands) read this piece and before God purposed to follow Carla and Rocky's advice. And, I'd love it if they would share this piece with their Christian friends.
Wow. Imagine the impact that could me made. IT COULD HAPPEN.
EMMYS 1966: The Dick Van Dyke Show (season 5)
5 years ago
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