Sunday, March 2, 2008


"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."  (Ephesians 5:16)

After the morning service today (Sunday), my son Jon pointed out to me that NEXT WEEKEND, MARCH 8-9 we turn the clocks  AHEAD  one hour!

I felt stupid because I'd meant to put that information into our church bulletin and on our church calendar, and I totally forgot!

I'm still used to the day for the clocks to go forward being in early April, so in late Feb. as I prepared the calendar and bulletin info. it was just not on my mind.  (From 1987-2006 the clocks went ahead in early April.  Effective last year, it's the 2nd Sunday of March.)

Actually they get turned at like 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9.  Most of us will want to turn our clocks AHEAD one hour on Saturday evening, March 8. So please make a note of it; don't forget!  What's really going to get confusing for my family and me is that for about ten days in the middle of March, we are traveling to the Central Time Zone and will have to turn our own watches BACK again!


Anonymous said...

I'd also like to add a reminder. Because many electronic devices (TVs, VCRs, etc.) were programmed to automatically adjust for DST, when it gets to April when DST used to be, the will still change! So you are going to have to change some of those clocks twice. Keep an eye out for that! I went through a big "Lost" related hassle last year because of it!

Anonymous said...

it's too early for daylight savings...
i always mean to change my clock and forget. last time i missed out on an extra hour sleep and showed up to rehersal wicked early and got all confused when no one else was there...