"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" (I John 3:17)
These are difficult and challenging financial times which have hit a lot of people very hard. I think that almost goes without saying. At our church and in my "sphere of influence" a number of people are really feeling it- including me. This afternoon I was thinking about a woman I knew who had to cut back and tighten her belt. I got a chuckle thinking about it, and I was so TICKLED that I had to share it with you.
You may wonder how I could POSSIBLY think someone having to cut back financially was funny. Well, here's the rest of the story:
The woman in question died over ten years ago. If she were still living, she'd be at least 90. I won't use her first name; I'll call her Claudette. Claudette was originally from Europe. She was originally from the east, and later lived for many years in France before coming to the U.S.A. in the 1950s. This woman was quite wealthy. She was not exactly "Bill Gates wealthy" but she certainly had "serious dough" as my father used to say. Claudette did not attend the church I pastor and did not live in Framingham, but she did have a heart for First Assembly of God of Framingham our family a dishwasher. She gave several generous gifts to the church. Claudette once told me, "Bob, if you or the church are EVER having financial difficulty, please give me a call!"
I believe the incident I'm writing about happened somewhere around 1991 or 1992. For some reason at that time, money was very tight for me and for the church. I don't remember if I phoned her to ask her to help ME with something or to ask for help for the CHURCH...it's SO long ago. And, please understand, it's never easy to make a phone call like that. But there were times when things got pretty lean both for the church (well things are pretty lean THERE right now!) and for me. It's not easy to ask someone for some help, but HEY, if somebody SAID give me a call, well, WHY NOT?! So, I called Claudette.
Here is the essence of what she told me (imagine this being said in a heavy French accident by a woman of at least 75):
"Bob, I know I told you to call me, but things have been very bad. I've had to REALLY cut back. I've had to REALLY face things and make some TOUGH decisions. You know, I'd been planning a trip to France of at least three weeks. I was looking forward to seeing my friends and relatives. But; I sat down, did the math, and had to face the facts. I HAD TO SETTLE FOR 2 WEEKS IN FLORIDA. Yes, it was painful. Yes, it was disappointing. I really wanted to go to France, but that's the way it is. AND, my Mercedes got to be 5 years old. It was time to trade and buy a brand new one. I went to the dealership. I looked at the cars and the prices. It was painful. I had to make a tough decision. There's NO WAY I could buy a brand new Mercedes like I always do. I had to settle for a used two-year-old Mercedes! Now, I was going to have one whole floor of my house completely redone. I met with the contractor. We talked. We went through the figures. I had to face facts. All I can do this year is re-do the kitchen!"
Boy, did I EVER want to sarcastically say something like, "Yeah, Claudette, LIFE'S TOUGH. Maybe I'll send some leftover hot dog rolls over to your house!" I didn't.
I don't remember if she GAVE anything at that time to me or the church or not. It's so long ago. But I was thinking of that today. It's all relative, isn't it?
Sometimes we THINK we've got it so tough!
In fact, we don't!
It's like the guy who complained about having no shoes until he met a man who had no feet!
So, now do you see what that TRUE story tickled me when I thought of it today?!
EMMYS 1966: The Dick Van Dyke Show (season 5)
5 years ago
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