Thursday, May 26, 2011


A few weeks ago, I posted an entry entitled, "Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner" about the David Stein Show which had just been picked up in "3rd shift hours" at BostonTalks 96.9 WTKK. (The show CAN also be heard on-line anytime.) Due to the late night hours of the show, I've probably only heard a total of around 7 hours of it since it came on, but it's a real gem. David is a born-again Christian (born Jewish) who interweaves a lot of Scripture and Biblical truth into his program but does NOT use an "in your face" approach. The program is one of the most encouraging and inspirational I've ever heard. I was sad to learn that the company that syndicates his show is dropping it as of the end of this week, so tonight's (or is it tomorrow morning's?) will be the last show. David Stein expects to eventually return in some other venue several months down the road, and in the meantime is trusting God and being content with what God has done with the program.

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