Friday, December 14, 2007


I am just letting you know I am having problems adding "stuff" to my blog.

I know, I know, I added this.  But I had to go through a lot of convoluted stuff to do it.

Several months ago, I had problems with my home computer which ended up with me no longer being able to add stuff to my blog from my home computer.  So, what I have been doing is writing my blog entries at home...then e-mailing them to myself.  Then going to the Framingham Public Library and opening the e-mail and THEN clicking on something that says "add to blog".  Up until yesterday, that ALWAYS worked.  NOW, it will not let me do that.  I just keep get an icon saying "AOL journals are not available-try later".  So, I went through a convoluted method to get my blog opened and write this.  But now I CANNOT just click and post the e-mails onto the blog.  If this continues it will be a real problem.  I may have to go to the library and stand there (yup you gotta stand at the Framingham Public Library at the computers) AND you only get 20 minutes and then the system shuts you off for 2 hrs.

If anyone from AOL is reading this and has any idea how any of it can be resolved, I'm very open to your help.  I have found accessing AOL help on-line which used to be very easy is now very challenging.  So, we'll see how I'm gonna handle this....

Stay tuned.... I'm still gonna be trying to post stuff here but it may end up being a lot more work....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry about your issues