"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Luke 6:26)
It's been all over the local Boston media in the past couple of days that former State Treasurer Tim Cahill has been indicted. The main issue is several highly professional and promotional television ads for the Massachusetts State Lottery which ran on television outlets throughout the Commonwealth in 2010. Tim Cahill as (then) State Treasurer was master of ceremonies and narrator for the ads, proudly presenting the Mass. State Lottery as the most successful in the country. This was all perfectly legal and appropriate for a State Treasurer to do. However, Tim Cahill at the time was also running for Governor of Massachusetts as an Independent. Cahill is seen as blatantly violating the public trust; essentially disguising "gubernatorial campaign ads" as Lottery ads, and thus getting many of his television campaign ads paid for by the taxpayers of Massachusetts. Attorney General Martha Coakley in her VE-RY PER-FECT STACCADO VOICE WHICH AL-MOST SOUNDS LIKE A COMPUT-ER GEN-ER-ATED RE-CORDING has made public statements which are being played on all the local news broadcasts about how Cahill allegedly violated the sacred trust of his Office, etc.
It pretty much makes me sick.
This is ironic because I am very much anti-gambling. I have NEVER purchased a lottery ticket in my life and I will not. Honestly, I will not even purchase a raffle ticket, for that matter, not even for Teen Challenge...sorry. I publicly supported Tim Cahill for Governor and endorsed his candidacy on my blog. I proudly voted for him. But I don't agree with all of his positions. So it's ironic that I have NO problem with what he did, but I DON'T.
God bless WTKK radio talk show host Doug Meehan who this morning bucked the trend of all those in the media who essentially want to lynch Tim Cahill and treat him like the lowest of the low. I only caught a few minutes of Meehan's program this morning while I was on break from my job, but Meehan made the case well that it was perfectly appropriate and legal for Tim Cahill as Mass. State Treasurer and overseer of the Lottery to make those ads and that he did nothing wrong. Amen.
I took a lot of flack from friends for my support of Tim Cahill. One e-mailed me and told me Cahill was nothing but a shill for Governor Deval Patrick; that it was nothing but a trick and a backroom deal; that Cahill really WANTED Patrick to be re-elected; that he was out to derail Republican Charlie Baker. It was speculated by a lot of people that Cahill would receive some sort of big payout from Deval Patrick in the future for what he'd done. I knew then and I know now that NONE of that was true. I "get" Tim Cahill. This is because I am a "Tim Cahill". I am also a "Ron Paul". And, while most of you won't know who I'm talking about her, I am also a "Dr. Bob Kearns". (Kearns was the inventor of intermittent windshield wipers. His story is told in the film "Flash of Genius". His invention was stolen by Ford Motor Company. He fought this for years and finally won a huge judgment in court, but it cost him his marriage, some friendships, and for awhile his sanity.) People like Bob Baril and Dr. Kearns and Ron Paul and Tim Cahill believe in things and will literally give our lives for them even if it means we are viewed as stupid, eccentric, and very foolish. When you're "one of us" you pretty quickly recognize another, and that person who is viewed as a phony, liar, shill, stooge, etc. is someone you know is really a kindred spirit.
Tim Cahill really wanted to be Governor and believed he could win. Honestly, he SHOULD have. The reality is the Massachusetts Democratic Party establishment decided he had to be totally discredited and destroyed. As my Catholic friends would say, "He committed a mortal sin". As my metaphorically literate friends would say, "He touched the third rail!" He did. Tim, a popular, competent, well liked Democrat politician dared to challenge the Incumbent liberal Democrat Governor and to essentially expose the fact that Romneycare would financially ruin the State..as it were, the emperor had no clothes! Cahill seriously considered running as a Democrat...challenging Deval Patrick at the State Convention and in the Primary. Sadly, the Democrat machine made sure that would not happen. There was no way he was going to be allowed to get the 15% vote at the Convention necessary to put his name on the ballot. Once he left the Democrat party, he was treated as a leper.
Paul Loscocco, the former Republican State Rep. who ran as Cahill's running mate is a good guy. He was a great choice as a running mate. But somebody got to him. Those who carefully follow politics remember when he announced he was dropping out. He did this behind Cahill's back. He pretty much threw Tim Cahill under the bus.
Most of Cahill's ads were NOT those Lottery ads. He had his own ads for Governor featuring his family. A few years earlier, his little girl had become a household celebrity in Mass. with her "Vote Tim for Treasurer" line in his ads. Now, a little more grown up, she proudly said, "Vote Tim for Governor".
To take the line from the famous movie, what did Tim Cahill have that none of the other candidates had? COURAGE!
Most of our state's voters DIDN'T, and the media certainly didn't. Poor Tim Cahill lost badly.
Now, that is not even enough for the corrupt Democrat and Mass. political machine. They're out to annihilate this man...a guy who was a true public servant...a good man. Speaking of "throwing under the bus" current Democrat State Treasurer Grossman has taken some strong verbal shots in the media against Tim Cahill.
I hope there will be some people in our state like Doug Meehan who will speak out on Tim Cahill's behalf. And I hope those in the political machine stop and think about the fact that (as Galatians 6:7 says) what they are sowing they will reap!
If any of my readers knows Tim Cahill or any member of his family personally, I hope you will pass this piece on to him.
EMMYS 1966: The Dick Van Dyke Show (season 5)
4 years ago
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